Wednesday, April 30, 2008

from bungee to yoga teacher training in one week.

jeeeeeeeeeeeez, i (wenche) just jumped from the worlds tallest bungee jump of 160 meters!!!!!!!!! (i think the one in New Zealand used to be the highest, but they had to close this one down since someone died there not long ago....). anyhow, this was a great experience - im telling ya!!! i was really out of it this day from YET ANOTHER STOMACH INFECTION, and for a while it looked like i was not going to jump. but in the last minute i changed my mind and thought to myself that i cannot possibly be in the last resort in nepal, facing this great jump, and not do it.. so i let myself fall down the 160 meters down the beautiful gorge, towards a raging river in between some tall and nice mountains. ole had positioned himself across from the gorge with his camera's, so we have some cool shots from these also.. i have also been filmed in action, so i shall put out the video for you to see soon. it was so nice to just fall like that, it felt really really fresh and just basically a fantastic feeling.
we were up in the last resort to see also if we could enter Tibet from there, since its only 11 km form the border - but the borders are still closed because of the olympics and all the shait that has been happening there recently. so no such luck for us, we cruised back to kathmandu after spending i few days in the safari tent (eating CRAP food, the resort doesn't know how to cook at all). we booked our tickets, did our shopping last minute, said our fairwell to Matt (hey matt!!! it's GOOD HEY!!!), who has been a GREAT travel companion from the ABC, Chitwan, Jungle Resort and Kathmandu. You shall be missed Matt. And also of course, the beautiful Else - who has been to the same places as us since ABC, with whom we shared some fine days in Kathmandu with at the end (apart form the wierd, wierd dinner..). Else, you rock on and we know you will find your path - you are already on it!!.
after all this, we flew to Delhi and spend one night there before heading off in the train to Hardiwar and then to Rishikesh!!.

Rishikesh has very much been one of the things i have been really looking forward to on this trip, and now we are here! Only downer is that i am still sick from the stomach bacterias, and my yoga teacher training course is starting tomorrow..... ehhhhhh... it's no good being in a posture with a bad stomach. anyway - i have arrived now and things are looking good here at the place. i have been given a nice room, in the very end of the balcony so i have some privacy there. i have unpacked my stash and created for myself a little home already. Ole had for me a surprise this morning, he had bought me a emerald stone, 4 carats - and this is the stone for gemini born people such as myself for power. i have placed the stone in a special spot, and it already means a lot to me that it's there. the place has a nice garden and a clean organic restaurant, a massage/ayurvedic treatment room, internet and a pool table!! and the staff is really nice and friendly. the lecturer is meeting with me later on this evening to give me information about what's going to happen from tomorrow on, schedules, timetables, course material and all that. i am really excited and looking forward to learn new things yet again and be able to practice the yoga fully for one month with nothing else on the agenda! great!

for those who want to check out the place i'm at:

as well, ole has been editing some scenes from our annapurna base camp trek - so this should also be out anytime soon. the problem is that some internet cafe's have veeeeeeeery sloooooooow connections, so the films are too much for them to handle.

have a good one!

1 comment:

Knowledge Point for Improving all knowledge. said...

I think that was a great experience for you to join yoga teacher training and bungee jump in Rishikesh...thanks to share your experience...