Sunday, February 24, 2008

silent noise

already its been one week in goa - we chose colomb bay and green park yet again for accomodations, after a succesful trip last christmas!. the boys at green were happy to see us again, and so many laughs and great meals has been shared over the last seven days.. Trond and Monica, our friends from Norway - had originally asked us to set them up in a 'comfortable room close to the beach, around 2000 rupee per night'. hmmmm... as this is way above our budget, we decided to surprise them with a rather shabby looking, edgy little bungalow at green. the toilet flush whenever it feels like it, and 'Frodo the housefrog' is apparently hanging on to its life on the beautiful bathroom wall covered in plastic flowery wallpaper. and all this for 350 rupee!!. We were excited to see their reactions, but we had been way to worried. Monica was all smiles, and Trond could'nt get over the fact that they all of a sudden had 1650 rupee more to spend on their daily budget. not much to complain about either, as they have two good neighbours (were in the hut downstairs for 50 rupee less considering the toilet flush all over the floor), 15 meteres to the sea and sunset view from their balcony.
Having friends around after two months of travelling visiting proves to be a lot of fun! it will be strange to see them leave, as we are becoming one big happy family. Yesterday, we attended 'silent noise', a new party concept here in Goa. The DJ's blast their music until 10pm, and after that its full stop unless you have a headset which can be purchased in the bar for 500 rupees. In the set, you can choose between 3 channels: two being different house/techno shit form the two DJ's on stage, and one being the local radio station. Seeing 300 people at the beach under a full moon and palm trees raving silently, looking at eachother and wondering what channel the dancer next to you has chosen was a wierd, wierd sight. But after 4 local gin tonics (equivilent to 8 at home), anything goes - and in familiar Wenche style, I danced to the various instruments of an orchestra and made funny faces to the beats.. Only to completely pass out at 11pm, to hammered to notice the party around me. So today is recovery, that means many meals and huge serves of raw cashewnuts as they are definately in season!!. creamy, large and perfect.!. No yoga today - but i have been transformed and addicted to a local Swami at Bakhti Kutir, doing monkey walks and tightening of the buttocs a few hours a day. He is a reincarnation of Jim Morrison, only Indian - and loves to scream 'more upwards with the right hand side leg, streeeeetch your leg, noooo bending of the leg, squeezzze the stomach, hooooold the breath' and so on and so on.. The body is constantly aching with pain, but as a guru told me in Hampi: First pain, then gain. Right...
Hopefully this won't be the case tomorrow, as Ole once again is cruising to the dentist!. He had an attack on his wisdom tooth, and its definately infected. So for the second time in two weeks his on antibiotics, and looking at double removal of two wisdom teeth tomorrow. Being bitten by the dentist vibe, I have also had a consultation - only to be told that my front tooth is in serious trouble. It has broken into two pieces, and if i dont attend the problem immidiately, i will be cursed with a root canal filling in a matter of days... totally freaked out, I let myself be tricked into booking a session at thuesday 12noon, for a operation in my front tooth. dammit.

apart from that, palolem is perfect. colomb bay is even better. We like it so much that we are staying on for another week, until Trond and Monica flee for Norway. Ole has also discovered Patnem beach, only 12 minutes walk from us, so we shall cruise over there for a full day sun indulging at the spotless beach. Other things worth mentioning is the Anjuna flee market last wednesday, which was a collection of football fields covered in stalls selling the usual items. Crap, crap, crap and more crap. Seeing crap as fun, we all ventured out of the market two hours later with the following items: one cowboy hat, 6 pairs of Ali Baba yoga pants (presents for the yoga freaks at home), two t shirts, one pair of hotpants (Trond fancied Monica in a short style option), one pair of Ray Ban fake sunnies, 3 caps for the boys, enough spices for a year of curries, and ofcourse 200 grams of raw cashewnuts for me. Also, one image i shall never forget would be the man placed on the sidewalk sporting no arms and no legs!. He was just sitting there as a pole, perhaps waiting for someone to pick him up by the waistline and carry him home. Totally wierd, and luckaly the paparazzi in Ole managed a snapshot, very descrete indeed....!.

Stay tuned for further updates - hope your all good!.

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